Friday, November 18, 2011

MNfashion's Spring 2011 Fashion Week Preview

Last week, MNfashion hosted a 2011 spring preview event giving local designers the chance to showcase pieces of their collections that will be viewed in full this April during MNfashion week. The preview also unveiled MNfashion's newest event series titled, "The Shows" that is sure to become a must-see, in addition to the beloved Voltage production at First Avenue, during the jam-packed week of April 11-17.

Held at MNfashion's spacious multi-level studio in NE Minneapolis, clothing and accessory designers outfitted models in select looks and talked trends and inspirations with buyers and press. Clothes hanging from beamed racks gave a glimpse into each designer's unique approach to spring fashion. Color choices, art direction, cuts and styles couldn't have been more different, such as ready to wear "city meets sports" cotton patchwork shorts and screen printed cropped t-shirts by Francis Zerr and bigger statement pieces like Emma Berg's dramatic black sheer dress with green sequined marijuana leaves (inspired by Proposition 19 headlines).

Similar to what we saw on runways this fall, waistlines are getting higher and hem lines on shirts and blouses are rising to meet in the middle. George Moskal, one of four designers in The Shows, showed a series of separates - including a pair of hot high-wasted shorts - in natural, breezy fabrics with romantic cuts. Max Lorbach debuted a new line of distressed hand-died crop shirts with kitschy kitten prints (soon to be made in USA themes with eagles, cactus and more) and Rachel Blomgren showed a few blouses in boxy, natural waist-length forms with cut-out designs - all perfect for warm days in the park.
Design by Larrisa Loden
Design by Rachel Blomgren
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Design by Max Lohrbach
Design by Kathryn V

One underlying theme is that local designers have taken a green approach to creating clothing and accessories. A number of artists are working more with organic cottons and dyes and low-impact recycled materials like design team CounterCouture who featured skirts and blouses made with satin and lace from old gowns and prom dresses. In the accessory vein, designer Susan Crow with East Fourth Street re-purposed recycled gold, copper and stones for her collection of bold cuffs.

Jennifer Merchant, who's jewelry was recently featured as a on the popular site, Refinery 29, created chunky and reversible rings, bracelets, and earrings in bold colors made from existing acrylic, paper, corian (the stuff that kitchen countertops are made of). Larrissa Loden's new line is full of "vintage meets modern" with boldly sized cameos fastened on delicate chains made from unused vintage stock and delicate medal earrings with intricate detailing.

Overall, the preview was a perfect example that when it comes to local fashion, there is always something for everyone.

Spring MNfashion Week dates to remember:
Voltage: Fashion Amplified, First Ave Mainroom, April 15, 2011
Runway Designers: Frances Zerr, Raul Osorio, Danielle Everine, Ivan Idland, Kathryn Sterner, Max Lohrbach, Rachel Blomgren, Sarah M. Holm, Terri Martin and Tim and Thom Navarro. Accessory Designers: Sarah White, Jared Zachary, Kerry Riley, Bridget Clark, Allison Johnson, Timmilynn Johnson, Lela Horst Baumann, Katy Vereide, Susan Crow, Kristin Berwald, Larissa Loden, Jeremy Blankenship, Erin Brennan and Jennifer Merchant.
More info at

The Shows, MNfashion studio in NE Minneapolis, April 13 and 14, 2011
Runway Designers: CounterCouture, George Moskal, Russell Bourrienne, Kevin Kramp and Emma Berg.

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Swimwear by Sarah Holm

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